Friday, May 2, 2014

Silk Ttread

Today I want to talk about silk thread.  I have been working on a lot of hand work lately (my applique class and my hexagons).  I asked my teacher about silk thread and she told me that the stitches would look better but it was more expensive.  I decided to try it and I was sold.  I couldn't believe the difference that the silk thread could make.  If you have not tried it I recommend that you give it a try.

With cotton thread

With silk thread

After using the thread for awhile I  noticed other reasons for using silk thread.  For one, I was surprised at how strong the thread was. Secondly, I noticed that I did not have to condition the thread and that I did not get as many knots in the thread. Thirdly, if I did get a knot that I could not get out, I could continue to sew since the thread was so smooth and fine.

I went to Superior Threads and looked at their silk thread.  They have a Thread of the Month club in which they will send you 6 spools of Kimono silk thread for $36.94 a month.  After 14 months you will have the entire collection of Kimono silk thread.  It is a easy way to get the entire collection without forking over a lot of money all at once.

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